The Lord has been so good to America to give her such godly preachers that have kept the gospel pure and undefiled. What a blessing to still find strong doctrine and true love for God and his truth. Derek and I were blessed to meet Dr. R.C. Sproul and to hear him preach.
We also got to meet other believers that lived in our area who also appreciated good doctrine and strong preaching. R.C. Sproul has been a wonderful encouragement to Derek and I. When Derek and I first met we talked about the different preachers we both liked and even then we both had a love for R.C. Sproul as well as John MacArthur and John Piper. R.C. is one of those preachers you can listen to and not realize two hours have gone by. His movies: the Holiness of God as well as Chosen by God are some of our favorites.
At the end of the night as all of us were walking out, I got to meet R.C.'s wife. She was one of the sweetest woman I have ever met
. You could tell she truly cared and that she loved R.C. God has truly been good to us. He has watched over us and loved us with his steadfast love. We praise him for allowing us to go to this small dinner.